Writing their Own Story
Gunjou no Sekai 1st Anniversary Live
Gunjo no Sekai is an idol group created in December 2018, with currently one single in their discography. The style of their musics may remind you some tunes from the Sakamichi groups (Nogizaka46 and the likes), which we sure won’t complain about!
We were at their anniversary live on December 23rd to immortalize the end of this first year of activity for Ichimiya Yui, Nagase Rimi, Yokota Fumika and Kudou Mika.
Bonjour Idolは2019年12月23日 (月)・渋谷・ストリームホールに開催された「1st Anniversary Live 『Another story』」に参加し、デビュー1年目を迎えた一宮ゆい、工藤みか、長瀬りみ、横田ふみかの素晴らしいパフォーマンスから目を離すことができなかった。
The live took place at Shibuya Stream Hall, a small concert hall with a capacity of roughly seven hundred people located in the new Nano Shibuya complex. Fans were present in numbers for this symbolic event of their favorite band! The lights faded out, the voices of the fans rose and an intense blue light illuminated the hall while the overture started with a mix of piano and electro music.
The four young girls appeared on stage together on the first notes of “Unknown Planet”, the first single of the group. All dressed in beautiful and very pure white outfits, the girls went on with “Nonstop” and “Tsuyogari na Seigi” in an atmosphere ignited by the multiple calls of the fans.
The first MC arrived with a succession of duets during the costume change. During this MC, Nagase Rimi, sick this day, announced that she won’t be present for the whole evening performance, to which the fans responded with a wave of “Ganbare!” (Hang in there!) trying to cheer her up.
The live continued with the jazz band sounds of “BLUE OVER” followed by “Coin Toss”, which set up a more pop atmosphere thanks to its festive beat, key part of classic idol music! The members then expressed their feelings about their adventure as a group in the song “QUEST”.
The lights then faded out again, dipping the hall into pure darkness for an instant, before the back of the stage turned into a magnificent starry night sky, revealing only the silhouettes of the girls.
This was the beginning for song “Melodrama”, a mix between ballad and pop-rock sounds. The second MC then took place during which the members introduced their new goods, released especially for the occasion. After that instant of promotion, “Mirai Silhouette” transformed the hall into an ocean of blue lights powered by both the stage lighting and the fans’ glowsticks, before the wild rhythms of “Gunjou Tamashi” ended this main part.
バンドサウンドの「BLUE OVER」やポップチューンの「コイントス」で多岐にわたるジャンルが続いている。メンバーが活動に対しの気持ちを「Quest」で伝わってから会場が暗くなって、星のきらめきの下でメンバーがエモロックの「メロドラマ」を歌い始まる。「未来シルエット」、「群青魂」の熱気でファンのテンションマックス!
After an encore call launched by the fans, the four members came back on stage with “Saishuushou no Nai Story” followed by an MC with lots of announcements for 2020. The first one was about a series of monthly performances that will take place on January 21st, February 25th and March 17th at Tsutaya O-nest in Shibuya. The second one is not less than the group’s second single scheduled for April 2020. The last surprise announced a national tour leading the group to the cities of Osaka, Nagoya and Tokyo scheduled for May!
アンコールの後「最終章のないストーリー」のメロディーが響いて、ファンがメンバーと共に手を挙げる景色にうっとり。その勢いを加速させていて、ラストMCで連続の発表が!最初は今年の1月21日、2月25日、3月17日、渋谷・TSUTAYA O-nestにてマンスリーライブを。続き、今年の5月からの国内ツアー(大阪・名古屋・東京)も発表され、最後はファン希望の2枚目のシングル、4月に発売決定だと。
After the wave of announcements, opening up for a great year 2020 for the group, “Reiwa Anthem” finished this first anniversary live for the four members of Gunjo no Sekai. This is still a young group and we will follow with the greatest interest at Bonjour Idol. We strongly advise you to listen to their songs if you already like groups from the Sakamichi franchise!
群青の世界の一周年記念ライブ、最近リリースされた「令和アンセム」 で終わる。
- 01.Unknown Planetアンノウンプラネット
- 02.Nonstop
- 03.Tsuyogari na Seigi強がりな正義
- 05.Coin Tossコイントス
- 06.QUEST
- 07.Melodramaメロドラマ
- 08.Mirai Silhouette未来シルエット
- 09.Gunjo Tamashi群青魂
- 10.Saishuushou no Nai Story最終章のないストーリー
- EN01.Reiwa Anthem令和アンセム