You are All My Ideal... Achievement
=LOVE Tour Finale at Nippon Budoukan
It has been a long time since we last told the story of =LOVE here on Bonjour Idol, and we’re glad we can write again on the now-popular group produced by Sashihara Rino. 2020 has been a busy year for the twelve girls despite the global sanitary crisis. First of all, it’s not one but two singles the group released with “CAMEO” in July and “Seishun Subliminal” on November 25. Secondly, they also went up on stage for multiple concerts planned on the second part of the year. We couldn’t miss their anniversary concert on September 6th, in which the group blew their birthday candles for the third time, as Takamatsu Hitomi returned from her year-long hiatus. With these uplifting news, Saito Nagisa and her friends met their fans during this winter tour going forward into 2021. A huge step for =LOVE.
ボンジュールアイドルで=LOVEの話をするのが久しぶりなので、今回も指原莉乃さんプロデュースの有名なアイドルグループについての記事を書けることにワクワクしている。今でも世界に広がっている新型コロナウイルスにもかかわらず、2020年は12人の少女たちに充実した一年でした。まず、7月に「CAMEO」、そして11月25日にリリースされた最新作「青春”サブリミナル”」で、2枚のシングルも発売された。そこで止まることなく、2020年後半期にはいくつかのコンサートが予定されている中でステージに上がった。Bonjour Idolは9月6日に行われた、1年間活動を休止していた髙松瞳さんが帰ってきた3周年記念アニバーサリーライブに行くしかなかった!去年11月に始まったツアーで、メンバーがファンに会いに行ったのだ。
The tour started on November 27th at the iconic Tokyo Dome City Hall and went by Omiya and Matsudo, and for a last performance at the legendary Nippon Budoukan for two days straight! =LOVE is not afraid of challenges as they also made their debut at the Tokyo Idol Festival in 2017. Nippon Budoukan is a lifetime goal for every artist and the group took this opportunity to showcase new outfits, several announcements and first time performances of a few songs.
They wore beautiful princess dresses and new outfits later on to perform the near entirety of their repertoire, from the last single “Seishun Subliminal” to the iconic “=LOVE“. We very specifically noted the first performances of Morohashi Sana‘s solo “My Love Is For You” and the duet from Saito Nagisa and Takamatsu Hitomi “Ryusei-gun“. Let’s point out that for the last segment of both concerts, a live band called “PENGUIN RESEARCH” played along with the idol group.
11月27日の有名な東京ドームシティホールを皮切りに、大宮、松戸にも行われていて、最後は伝説の日本武道館で2日間連続で終了した。2017年にTOKYO IDOL FESTIVALのステージでデビューした=LOVEにとっても大きな勲功だった。アーティストにとって大きな一歩であり、ライブでは新しい衣装や数曲の初披露、そして何度かの発表など、彼女たちが観客と多くの発表を共有する機会となった。
美しいプリンセスドレスと新しいステージ衣装を着ていたメンバーは、最新シングル「青春”サブリミナル”」や名曲「=LOVE」など、ほぼ全ての曲を披露した。しかし、諸橋沙夏さんのソロ「My Love Is For You」や、齊藤・髙松さんによるデュオ曲「流星群」の初披露が特別に目に止まった。ちなみに2公演の最後の方には、「PENGUIN RESEARCH」というバンドが同行していたことも注目を!
An event of this importance had to have equally important announcements! Otani Emiri, the fashion star of the group, announced her very first photobook titled “Suki na Hito“, planned for release on March 15. On the second day, the first album of the group was also announced! It will be released over spring with no exact date yet. We do not know much about it yet, but leader Yamamoto Anna shared her feelings with these words: “During this year, I realized that we could share and spread a tons of love with our songs and I would like to keep doing that with the new album!“.
That’s how the group concluded these two evenings at the Nippon Budoukan, with no less than 23 songs performed. Their fans expressed their joyfulness and satisfaction later on on social media. Yamamoto Anna took the mic one last time, adding that it is thanks to a strong sisterhood spirit tying the group members that =LOVE was finally able to stand on this legendary stage.
Hitomi and her comrades still have a lot of surprises to uncover and goals to reach and we will be there to share them with you.
=LOVEはまだまだたくさん目標があって、グループの物語をこれからもBonjour Idolで伝えさせていただきます!
Kameko Selection #2
Here’s our second special selection of pictures taken by kameko fans (fans who take photos during idol concerts)! Congratulations, and we are really grateful for their beautiful pictures!
こちらはBONJOUR IDOLチームの「カメコさんの撮った写真」のセレックションです!いつもの素敵なお写真ありがとうございます!
Follow them here:
- 01.=LOVE
- 02.Want you! Want you!
- 03.Todoite♡LOVE YOU届いて♡LOVE YOU
- 04.Zurui yo, Zurui neズルいよ ズルいね
- 05.CAMEO
- 06.My Voice Is For You
- 07.Niji no Moto虹の素
- 08.Sweetest Girl
- 09.Oshi ni Iru Sekai推しにいる世界
- 10.Ryusei-gun流星群
- 11.Kiara, Tasuke ni Kita zo!樹愛羅、助けに来たぞ!
- 12.Bokura no Seifuku Christmas僕らの制服クリスマス
- 13.Shukipiしゅきぴ
- 14.Teokure caution手遅れcaution
- 15.Iranai Twintailいらないツインテール
- 16.Aikatsu Happy Endアイカツハッピーエンド
- 17.Bukatsu-chuu ni Me ga Au Natte Omottetanda「部活中に目が合うなって思ってたんだ」
- 18.Sagase Diamond Lily探せダイヤモンドリリー
- 19.Kimi to Boku no Uta君と私の歌
- 20.Seishun Subliminal青春サブリミナル
- EN01.866
- EN02.Start!スタート!
- EN03.=LOVE